Nedjelja, 6 Oktobra, 2024
Organizacija vjencanja
HomeVijestiSvijetLaburisti predstavili plan za sigurnosni sporazum s EU kako bi resetovali odnose...

Laburisti predstavili plan za sigurnosni sporazum s EU kako bi resetovali odnose nakon Brexita

Kao dio plana nove vlade za resetovanje odnosa s EU i završetak “ere Brexita”, britanski Laburisti su predstavili plan za široko definirani sigurnosni sporazum. Prema riječima Laburista, ovaj sporazum bi omogućio Velikoj Britaniji da sarađuje s EU na područjima vezanim za sigurnost, bez obaveze da ostane u jedinstvenom tržištu i carinskoj uniji.

David Lammy, jedan od visokih članova Laburističke stranke, izjavio je za The Guardian da bi ovaj sporazum bio u skladu s obavezama Laburista da ostanu izvan EU tržišta i carinske unije. Cilj je da se održe dobre sigurnosne veze s EU, bez potrebe za dugotrajnim pravnim sporazumima.

Ovaj prijedlog Laburista dolazi u sklopu plana za resetovanje odnosa s EU nakon Brexita. Emphasizing on the importance of maintaining security cooperation, Lammy explained that the wide-ranging security agreement would allow the UK to collaborate with the EU in various security-related areas without the need for a legally binding agreement that could take years to negotiate.

Lammy has also accepted the invitation from the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, to attend the meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in September. This marks a significant departure from the previous conservative government's stance, which had rejected such invitations.

The plan for a security agreement signals the Labour Party's commitment to finding common ground with the EU and ensuring a smooth transition post-Brexit. It remains to be seen how the proposal will be received by EU officials and whether it will lead to improved relations between the UK and the EU in the coming months.

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