Potresno: Policija izvodi ranjenu ženu iz tržnog centra u Teksasu!


Ženi je vezana ruka, kako bi zaustavila krvarenje, a ona van sebe napušta tržni centar.

 - Avaz, Dnevni avaz, avaz.ba
Policija vodi ranjenu ženu

U stravičnoj pucnjavi koja se dogodila u tržnom centru Valmartu u El Pasu u Teksasu, kako javlja CNN ima mrtvih.  Na društvenim mrežama se pojavio snimak jedne žene koju policija ranjenu izvodi iz tržnog centra. 

Ženi je vezana ruka, kako bi zaustavila krvarenje, a ona van sebe napušta tržni centar.

Bloomberg TicToc@tictoc · 1hReplying to @tictoc

The El Paso Police Department says they've received reports of multiple shooters at the Cielo Vista Mall area https://twitter.com/EPPOLICE/status/1157715543656423424 …EL PASO POLICE DEPT@EPPOLICEScene is still Active. We have multi reports of multiple shooters. Please avoid area police conducting search of a very large area. Media staging will be given when area is secure.

Bloomberg TicToc@tictoc

Warning: This video contains graphic content.

Victims of the shooting in the Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso, Texas are transported and treated by emergency responders Saturday4018:54 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy305 people are talking about this